

Our Lil' Guy's First Baseball Game

This weekend Todd and I had quite the adventure going to a Nationals game in DC.  They were playing the Braves, and since they are Todd's favorite team, I decided to join him for a day out at the ballpark.  The weather turned out to be beautiful (we had originally planned on not going since it was supposed to rain all day) and I was comfortable in my jeans and tank top most of the day.  It was a little too hot to wear my Braves jersey during most of the game... but I had to at least sport it for some pictures!  I mean, how often am I going to have the chance to wear this really??  I bought it at a yard sale for 50 cents early in the spring, and when we decided to go to the game, I just knew I had to wear it... despite the fact that I couldn't button it! :)

Todd's signature "holding the camera out and taking our picture" pose.

The baby bump at 33 weeks.  Notice the inability of the jersey to button.

A view from our seats... they were pretty high up... Luckily there was an escalator, or I may have not made it!

The real adventure started when we made our way home on the metro.  We had driven to Vienna and from there taken the metro to the stadium.  We left the park at around 4:00 after the game and didn't make it back to the Vienna metro station until 6:30!

Our train was stopped not long after leaving the stadium.  Despite being told MANY times that we would be "moving momentarily,"  we were stuck for probably about 20-30 minutes.  Luckily, I was in a seat the whole time.  Todd had to stand, but since he's not 7 months pregnant, I don't feel too bad for him! :)

We discovered that on the new metro trains (and maybe on the old ones too, but we were on a new one) there is something under the middle section of seats that has to be "charged."  We're not sure what it was, or if it is only in one car... but a man came racing into our car, got everyone up from the seats directly beside us, and then got on his radio to say that "it has been charged."  It was a little nerve-wracking to have no idea what was going on, but luckily we got moving after not too long!  In the end, it turned out we were literally about 50 feet out of the next station.  And considering we were in one of the back cars, we're assuming the front cars were probably at the station the whole time we were stopped!  That would have been annoying.

When we pulled into the next metro station, we were all required to get off the train.  We then had to wait about 5-10 minutes for another train to come by.  This one was PACKED.  I mean, seriously!  Like when the Amazing Race goes to India packed!!!  So we decided to not even try to get on it... I was not liking the idea of being packed onto a train at 7 months pregnant for MANY stations that were between us and Vienna. 

Turns out we made a good choice... because about 5 minutes later they sent an empty train that was going to go to Vienna!  It was a new train too, and it was well air conditioned and we were both able to get a seat!  Then we just had to make our way to Vienna... which didn't take too long.

It was quite an adventure!  We had a great time and were lucky enough that our wonderful neighbors (we love you guys, Emily and Richard) could let Frosty out so she could pee pee.  In fact, they were so amazing they even took her for a walk with their little cutie dog, Carly. :)

And that, my friends, is how we spent our Saturday afternoon, evening, and into the night... Hope you all had a great weekend, too!


33 Week Update and Surprise Baby Shower...

Well, here we are...  33 weeks into my pregnancy...  Hitting the home stretch... 

Things are going well, but everyday I feel like I am growing more gigantic, more exhausted, more sore... and yet, I'm not hating it!  I really am enjoying the pregnancy experience.  I love feeling my little guy move and roll (and have the hiccups), though today they started getting a little painful. 

Though I have little to complain about, my biggest complaint is the fact that my belly is SOOOO itchy recently!  I am having to constantly slather lotion on it, and luckily that is helping keep it at bay.  But sometimes, it is nearly unbearable. 

Here is the picture from this morning.  Maybe I should not take the pictures in the morning because I feel like this doesn't look so good.  Oh well... it is what it is. 

Well the last two weeks have been busy, busy, busy!  Two weeks ago we started back up with our small group at church as well as starting childbirth classes.  So far, both have been very good!  In our small group, we're reading a book by Joseph Prince, and it looks like it's going to be excellent.  Childbirth class has been... informative, I suppose.  We're learning a lot about what the actual labor and delivery will be like.  And while it is kinda scaring me, I do feel that it's good to have a clue!  Last week we did a "game" where we had to roll dice to figure out how long we would be in early labor, active labor, and pushing...  I had a total of 29 hours in the end!!  WHOA.  Todd's reaction was... "well, there goes my birthing plan..."  You know, in his perfect brain the birth of our child is more like 2 hours long and MOST DEFINITELY not on a football Saturday or Sunday.  Can't miss a Hokies or Redskins game! :)

The highlight of our last two weeks was for sure our trip to Maryland for Jeff's (Todd's brother) birthday party.  Turns out, it was NOT a birthday party but instead a SURPRISE BABY SHOWER!!  And by surprise, I don't mean a little surprised... I mean TOTALLY surprised!   I had NO idea.  In fact, even as "surprise" was being shouted out at me, I still didn't quite comprehend that it was for me! 

Todd's mom and sister put on a beautiful shower for me full of games, gifts, great company, and GREAT food!  Many of the spouses of the ladies at the shower came and hung out/watched football with Todd and his dad and brother.  Then, when the shower was over we had a big cookout with even more great food!  (Can you tell I'm hungry a lot and am really enjoying food these days??)  We had such a great time getting to talk to family and friends! 

Just one of the delicious food items... a cupcake cake!
It was truly a great time!  Thank you to Shelly and Hannah for such a special day!  :)


Baby Bump Video

So this weekend I have discovered Picasa, and WOW!  I am having so much fun with it!  I used it to make my new blog header and button, and now I have made a fun little video of my ever growing baby bump.  I only wish I could figure out a way to make this video screen bigger... 

But alas, here is my first attempt at a Picasa movie.  I set it to Michael Buble's "Haven't Met You Yet," because even though the song is NOT about a baby, I heard it awhile back, and I couldn't help myself from singing it to my baby belly!

I hope you enjoy!  (BTW, it's amazing what a difference 3 weeks makes... the jump from 26 weeks to 29 weeks is HUGE).

If you would like to see it full screen, you can check it out on youtube.  It is an unlisted video, so you can only watch it through this link.  It's totally better with a bigger screen on youtube!

BTW, if you haven't discovered Picasa, I would recommend it.  I am already envisioning using it to make birth announcements and Christmas cards.  It doesn't have a million features, and you're kinda limited in what you can do, but it's pretty easy to use... so if you want a simple way to do some fun projects, check it out.

Hello Fall!

As you can see from the new blog design, I am totally ready for fall!  Despite it's awesomeness, fall tends to not be considered when you ask someone what their favorite season is.  I mean, doesn't it seem like fall is just the outsider of the seasons... summer brings no school and vacations for many, winter brings snow, and spring brings relief from winter, warm temperatures, and beautiful flowers.  Poor old fall just seems to get overlooked... but I really love the season.

Here are some of the things I am looking forward to this fall:

Hokie Football

Tailgating and cornhole... such fun!

When College Gameday rolled into Blacksburg

Anyone who knows us, knows that Todd and I are diehard Hokie fans (I mean, for real, we have a guest room and guest bathroom decorated entirely in VT stuff)!  We love to dress up in all our Tech gear and cheer on our team.  While it's been awhile since we've been to a game (and I can assure you we won't be making it to one this season), we still enjoy sitting and watching the Hokies play. 

This year we are both particularly excited to be able to dress our little guy up in all his cute Hokie gear.  He'll be making his arrival in time for the big Tech/UVA game... Always a good time!

Corn Mazes

Emily & Richard, Kylene & Nate, and Us at the Corn Maze in Mt. Jackson

The boys desperately trying to find our way out...

I mean seriously, fall gets props just for causing such pictures as this one! :)

Todd and I have always enjoyed a good corn maze!  Last year we went to the one in Mt. Jackson with friends, and had a great time.  We also went to one in Maryland with Todd's family that was cut into the shape of the Redskins logo.  Not only are corn mazes fun, but they are also AMAZING...

And while it might be a little more difficult for me to maneuver my way through one this year, I totally plan on going.  It just might have to be earlier in the season rather than later., being the corn ball I am, I always get a kick out of telling people I am going to a maize maze, HA!

Apples and Pumpkins

A day of Pumpkin & Apple Picking at Marker Miller
Apple picking, apple pie, apple crisp, sliced apples, apple sauce, caramel apples (covered with entire Snicker bars even), baked apples, apple turnovers, apple cake, apple muffins, pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving, pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin dip... need I say more?

This fall I am particularly excited to try out a recipe from my friend Kim's blog for pumpkin granola... yum!


Who doesn't love Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving?  Seriously... the part when Woodstock accidentally toasts and butters Snoopy's ear is COMPLETELY HILARIOUS!
While it looks as though this Thanksgiving is going to be a completely different one than ever before, I know Todd and I will still enjoy the holiday (what is their to be Thankful for more than the fact that our little guy will be here by then)!  For the past two years, we've hosted Thanksgiving for Todd's family and my family here, but it looks as though that might not be the case this year.  So while we may not be seeing our family, I know we'll be making our own very special memories.  Plus, we've already got the cutest "My 1st Thanksgiving" onsie for the little guy! :)

And of course, the thing I am most looking forward to this fall is
ETA: 11/11/11

Right in time for the end of football season and Thanksgiving.

...but I'm not going to lie, if he arrives in time for his 1st Halloween, I'lll be ok with that! :)


31 Week Update and the First Week of School...


I have officially survived my 5th first week of teaching!  And truly, this was the best one yet!  However, I am still SO glad it's Friday.

Frosty and I had twin day today, as you can see from the photo below.  Didn't anyone else get the memo that it was dress like your pet day?  :) 

Frosty is always stylish in her black and white, so I decided to go for the same look!
So, turns out, the first week of school was not NEARLY as awful as I expected it to be!  Nice, huh?  I wasn't nearly as exhausted as I expected to be, and while I was generally pretty tired and sore by the end of the day, it wasn't unbearable.  For those who don't know, I was moved out into a trailer classroom this year, which has turned out to be pretty nice.  It's tough being far from a bathroom (luckily someone is usually around to cover me if I need to go) but it has be REALLY great being able to control my own air and having only 18 students.  It is tough that EVERYTHING is far away, though.  I'm not going to lie, I was kinda out of breath today when I had to book it from my room to the gym... :)

The fact that my students seem really nice and well behaved has made this week pretty great, too!  They have been so willing to work, accommodating to my pregnancy (they pick things up when I drop them and let it slide when I'm a little forgetful), and really cute towards the baby (I literally had a kid put his head on my belly yesterday and one today come up to my belly and say ""). 

It has also helped that I am actually pretty well planned.  Being the slightly type-A person that I am when it comes to classroom procedures and how I do things, I knew I was really going to have to work to stay on top of planning so as to be prepared to do my maternity leave.  So I worked really hard before school started to get most of my first units planned.  That way I would be able to (hopefully) keep myself ahead (being out in the trailer has helped in this area too, because there are WAY less distractions).  It doesn't hurt that this is my 5th year either.  For the first time I really feel like I know what I am doing! HA!  It only took until the 5th year... geesh.

So, all in all, it has been a wonderful first week!  And I am seriously hoping it continues to be. 

Now for the pregnancy news/pictures....

Our little man has been very active this week!  He stays fairly calm during the school day, but when I sit down at the end of the day, he generally starts a movin' and a shakin'.  And then, of course, he saves the MOST movement for the moment I lay down to go to sleep!  Last night he must have seriously been doing flips because I just kept feeling his feet (or what Todd and I were pretty sure was a foot) rub against my belly.  He likes to stick that little foot of his right next to my belly button.  I was having a little fun with him last night... I was pressing on my belly just slightly, and he would kick (or punch, jab, elbow) wherever I was poking!  I don't know if it was just coincidence, or what, but I was getting a kick (total pun intended) out of it!  I have really LOVED feeling all this movement, and I keep telling Todd that as great as it's going to be to actually have our little man here, I think I will miss the special bonding feeling of having him moving inside me. 

Now for the pictures... Please excuse my hair.  These pictures were taken this morning and my hair was still wet... not so great!

You may have started to notice I wear these same black capris ALL THE TIME... they are by far the most comfortable thing I own right now.

Sweet socks, huh?
 So that's how I'm doin' at 31 weeks.  Pregnancy symptoms aren't too bad.  I've kinda just entered the basically a little uncomfortable/sore at all times... and I have been told (by numerous people, may I add) that I am a waddler.  What can I say, most of the time either my feet or legs are hurting, so walking isn't as easy as it once was... and have you seen the belly I'm carrying around??? I mean, are we really that surprised I'm waddling?? :) 

Oh, by the way... despite the fact that I FEEL huge and people seem to THINK I'm huge, according to my midwife my belly is measuring exactly normal for how far along I am (apparently it's one centimeter for every week you are plus or minus one... and last week I was measuring 31 centimeters and was 30 weeks)... when I told her I had been asked if I was having twins just two days before, she suggested I hang a sign from my neck that says "My midwife says I measure perfectly.  STOP TELLING ME I'M HUGE!"  Hehe!  I think I'd rather get it on a t-shirt than on a sign... :)

Todd and I start classes at the hospital on Tuesday... stay tuned to hear how those go! 

And have a LOVELY, hopefully not as wet, weekend! :)