Besides a probable "Hello, nice to meet you" sort of thing, the first words I remember saying to Todd were "Wow. Your bowling shoes are so big they look like clown shoes!" No kidding! To my credit, he does wear a size 13... so they were HUGE. And the rest, as they say, was history...
We officially started dating in late Semptember 2003, after I originally told him I only wanted to be friends (that didn't last long)! We have been together ever since. We have never broken up and we even survived two years of Todd living in Shenandoah County while I was still in school.
Our early days... enjoying a Hokie Football Game! |
Hershey Park - Christmas 2005 |
We have A LOT of Todd taking the picture while holding the camera out! |
We got engaged in May 2006 on the day of my undergraduate graduation. It was a very low key and surprising proposal. Even though I knew it was coming (we had looked at rings, talked about timing, etc.) I did NOT know it was happening until it happened. Todd told me he had a graduation gift for me, and earlier he had told me the ring was still being worked on (his grandmother's diamond was put into a new setting) and I believed him! So he told me to close my eyes, and when I opened them he was on one knee with the ring. I wish I could remember what he said, but I seriously cannot. I am sure it was something super sweet and romantic, and it, of course, ended with "will you marry me?" Obviously I said yes!
My whole family, right after our engagement. |
We were married on June 23, 2007. I had graduated from grad school a month before, been offered a job at Todd's school (he's a elementary PE teacher and I teach 3rd grade), and he had started renting what would be our home. We had the most amazing wedding ever. I loved it and wish I could live it over and over. Then I moved in with him in Strasburg and we started our married life together.
Our first dance as Husband and Wife. |
We honeymooned in Cancun, Mexico. |
In March 2009, we bought our first home! It was such a blessing and we now have so much room! We moved a few miles up the interstate and after a lot of cleaning, painting, decorating, packing and unpacking, we moved in! It has taken almost 2.5 years, but we almost have our entire house put together. We now only have one room that is not painted!
During a big storm - Christmas 2009. |
Her first day with us... I can't believe how smal she was! |
Her first bath. |
After being spayed... wearing the cone of shame. |
First Halloween. |
First Christmas. |
Just a little over a year later, in March 2011, we discovered that I was pregnant! And so began our next big adventure. Since then, we have been preparing ourselves (mentally and physically) for our new arrival. He is due to join our family on 11/11/11.
At the half way point. |
And so our story continues...