

Much Anticipated... Half Way There!


...FINALLY, you say!  I know, I know.  For those of you who have been waiting to see "the bump," here you go. 

These pictures were taken today, which is my official half-way point.  I am 20 weeks today, only 20 more to go. 

As you probably know, we found out last week that we are having a boy.  So here are the first pictures of the Baby Boy Narcross Bump.  Although, when I say "bump" outloud, I almost have to laugh... at this point I think it's no longer a bump, but a full on Baby Belly!  I already feel HUGE, and know I have a lot more growing to do.  When my OB told me last week that I'd only gained 7 pounds so far, I laughed and said "if only I would only gain 7 more."  Which prompted a "haha, yeah right" laugh from her.  I cannot even IMAGINE what I will be like in 20 more weeks, but as a friend recently told me, she's pretty sure I am going to be a waddler... and I'm pretty sure she's absolutely right!  :)

So here you go, a front view and side view of my little man growing everyday!

I really only did this one because I love the shirt so much!

Like I said, not really  just a "bump!"

So there you are!  And if you were wondering why I have been away from blogging for SO LONG let me explain.  The whole "foodie blog" totally went out the window when the smell of EVERYTHING made me feel sick.  Throughout most of my first trimester I was nauseous and exhausted.  So most nights it was a chore just to come home from school, let the dog out, try to find something to eat and try not to fall asleep before 7 o'clock (seriously).  Then, I just wasn't quite ready to blog about the pregnancy and wasn't really wanting to get back to cooking, so I waited.

Now last night I made chicken marsala again, I feel fantastic, and I have lots of summer to blog about anything and everything... :)


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! You are definitely rockin' the baby belly now! :) Enjoy these next 20 weeks because they are going to flyyyy by. ;)

  2. Wow, looking good! Congrats! So exciting...we new it would be soon :) So happy for you. Love, Jason and Caroline
